Friday, November 29, 2019

Psychology Final Paper Research Paper Example

Psychology Final Paper Paper In the first module we have explored the topics of perspectives, careers, and ethics In psychology. A perspective In psychology Is the way In which psychologists choose to approach the study of human behavior. Such perspectives would be socio cultural, biological, psychodrama, behavioral, cognitive, and humanistic. To go along with the lesson on perspectives we had to pick an outrageous celebrity and explain their behavior in reference to the different perspectives. For the assignment, I chose to do Brittany Spears, and I explained how each perspective would describe her behaviors ND cognitive thinking. In this module we further explored careers In psychology such as sports psychologists to clinical and counseling psychologists, and where psychologists could be employed. Psychologists have a code of ethics, there is 10 standards but yet in still broken down further, one of the most important is informed consent which the participants would read so that they know what they will be getting into. Since I am quite interested in psychology these concepts helped me figure out In what pathway I would like to go In (social psychologist). This learning has hanged my behavior by making me see that there are many ways In seeing/ describing human behavior. Therefore, before I judge I see things as a psychologist would- similar to Masons interest in self-actualization. Module B In module B there were two major concepts, correlation and descriptive statistics, and evaluation of research. (Correlation and descriptive statistics) Research methods fall three categories which are descriptive, correlation, and experimentation. Experimentation is basically the scientific method which allows manipulation of factor of Interest, and control of other factors. We will write a custom essay sample on Psychology Final Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Psychology Final Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Psychology Final Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Descriptive would Include case studies and surveys. Descriptive includes sampling which is essential to this type of research, if done correctly a random sample could provide you with accurate results but if not it can lead to misleading results. Correlation is the representation whether two factors are related or not. Correlation does not show cause and effect. Correlation can be positive or negative, while positive Indicates a direct relationship between behavior s, negative Indicates an Indirect relationship between them. The next concept In this module was the evaluation of research. The forum for module 1 lesson 3 helped me understand further the evaluation of research because here learned of an experiment that had been done in California where people role played that of a prisoner and guard. Since things got pretty bad they had to stop because of ethical concerns, we then had to come up with questions to evaluate the study, many people asked If It was ethical or the reason for the experiment; this assignment made me question the motive behind this experiment. These concepts can be applied to my life personally because in school we use the scientific method and statistics all he time, and now I know that in the end it is important that I evaluate my research. This knowledge has changed my behavior by making me questions peoples motives more often. Module AAA Our major concepts in AAA were the nervous/endocrine system, the brain, and sensation. (Nervous/endocrine system) Neurons are the bulling blocks of the the nervous system is the entire network of neurons in our body. The nervous system can be divided in two, the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system (CANS) is made up of the brain and the spinal rod and is the command for all central messages while the peripheral nervous system connects the CANS to the rest of the body. The endocrine system works with the parasympathetic system or the sympathetic system to sustain our basic body processes. The endocrine system contains glands such as pituitary, thyroid and pancreas which secrete a specific hormone that influence our body functions, behaviors, and emotions. The next concept is the brain which contains three parts, the cerebellum and brain stem, the limbic system, and the cerebral cortex. The brain stem which is in the first layer connects the spinal cord to the rest of the brain while he cerebellum controls motor coordination and balance. The next layer, the limbic system is only found fully developed in mammals, and is involved in motivation, emotions and certain memory processes. Now the outer layer which is the cerebrum, which is further, divided into four sections the frontal lobe. Parietal lobes, temporal lobes and occipital lobes, which have to work together because no one part takes responsibility of emotion or memory etc In AAA lesson two we had an assignment in which we had to identify what part of the brain would be required to do a certain activity, this activity helped me determine what each part of the brain was for. The last concept is sensation, sensation is the process with which our senses gather information and sends it to the brain. The point in which a stimulus goes from undetectable to detectable is called the absolute threshold, and the amount of change needed to recognize that a change has occurred is called the difference threshold. These concepts can be applied to my life because this helps me better understand my body and brain , I am also applying this in activities as I think about the processes of each of the activities. This learning has changed my behavior by making me aware of the actions taking place in my brain as I do something. Module B The major concepts in module B were the nature vs Nurture debate, biology impacting behavior, and biology and psychological health. The nature vs Nurture has been a long running debate, which basically asks what makes us who we are? Is it our heredity and genes or our experiences and environment? In lesson one, we had an assignment in which he had to name some of our characteristic and determine if this trait was acquired through nature or nurture. This assignment got me really thinking n what it was that made me who I am , one of my traits was introvert, which I believed I acquired through nature instead of nurture because my mother is also not as social as most people. Biology, in biological perspectives, impacts your behavior, such as when sleep deprivation could cause you to be irritable, anxious, depressed, and forgetful. Additionally, Vive realized that I show signs of insomnia. Another factor of biology that affects behavior is age, most adults think of teenagers as reckless or irresponsible, which could be because we think that we are young that we are invincible. There are two types of personality type A and B. A person with a type A personality are high achievers , workaholics , and obsessed with time management , while a person with a type B personality will be more relaxed and go with the flow. Stress, a person with a type A personality will be more at risk. High levels of stress can be harmful to overall health. An assignment that helps me identify stresses was the assignment in lesson 3, where we had to identify negative and positive stresses and positive and negative reactions to stress. I can honestly say that learning of which are positive and negative stresses will help me get rid of the bad stresses so that I am psychologically healthy. These concepts have changed my behavior by helping me identify ways to positively react to stress so I dont do it in the wrong manner. Module AAA The concepts in module AAA were theories, and behavior from a cognitive perspective. There have been many great psychologists throughout the years that have their own theories on the whys of human behavior. Pavlov believed that there was a connection between stimuli and responses which is known as classical conditioning , but on the there hand we have the founding father of operant conditioning, Skinner who thought the most powerful influences on behavior were consequences; the only difference between operant and classical conditioning is that classical is involuntary and operant is. Bandeau is the one who created the social learning theory which states that we learn through observing and imitating others. Moscow created the hierarchy of needs which was a pyramid and our ultimate goal is self-actualization. Another psychologist is Pigged who studied children and created developed stages in which cognitive development should occur. The last psychologist is Banishes who was known for his work in human intelligence and memory, Banishes conducted an experiment on himself and others and one of his conclusions were that meaningless stimuli are harder to memorize than meaningful stimuli. The forum in lesson one, asked us to pick the psychologist with the best theory and it was great to see the many other opinions of my peers; I would have personally chosen, Albert Bandeau because I could relate with his theory the most. Behavior and the cognitive approach can both be compared using perception. Perception is the process of obtaining and interpreting information that we take in from our senses and an optical illusion is where you incorrectly interpret a stimulus pattern. Hermann von Hellholes had a theory known as the learning based theory in which you use prior knowledge to interpret new information. I apply the theories of what I have learned about to people I see every day such as when I see a baby babbling. My behavior has changed because I myself have taken in account Masons hierarchy of need and have made little attempts at reaching self-actualization. Module B The concepts in B were classical conditioning, operant conditioning and observational conditioning. Ivan Pavlov believed in classical conditioning where and unconditioned stimulus was paired with a conditioned stimulus to provoke a response. Pavlov conducted an experiment where conditioned dogs to salivate at the sound of the bell not Just at the sight of food. Although when he withheld the food for some time the dogs stopped reacting to the bell. Classical conditioning is use to help shape behavior. For the assignment in lesson 1 we got to condition a dog to salivate at a sound which helped me understand the whole concept of classical conditioning. Operant conditioning uses rewards and punishments to shape behavior, operant conditioning would be used when teach a pet a new trick. In positive punishment is where you add something to diminish a behavior, and negative punishment is where something is taken away to diminish a behavior. The last concept is observational learning which states that people learn through observing others. An example of observational conditioning is the experiment with the BOOB Doll, in the experiment children watched adults have fun abusing a BOOB doll and when left alone they too started acting aggressively toward the doll. In the video I watched, the children watched and imitated what they had seen. At the moment I am applying operant conditioning to training my dog(s) to do some tricks such as sit, stay, or Just cooperate! After what I have learned from the BOOB Doll experiment, I am more cautious about what behaviors I do that could possibly affect anyone around me in a similar way of the children behaving towards the doll. Module AAA The key concepts in module AAA were diversity, attitudes, and being a part of society. Despite the diversity on this earth most facial expressions are interpreted the same way by people in different cultures. Paul Seaman was a leading investigator in facial expressions and he investigated the belief that all humans interpret facial expressions the same way. Seaman would show pictures of facial expressions such a happiness, fear and anger; using this system Seaman determined that there are 4 distinct smiles and that all do not mean happiness. Disgust on the other hand evolves culturally, in American culture we eat only a select few animal and we avoid reptiles and amphibians, while another culture can embrace eating those sorts of animals. Cultural norms affect our perception, and can lead to prejudice. In the forum in lesson one, we had to state something that we found disgusting and I wasnt reprised to see that most of us felt disgusted by very similar things which is because culture affects our perception of what is disgusting. Especially regarding food! Society, can also affect our attitudes examples are the bystander effect and cognitive dissonance. The bystander effect is a social phenomenon where a person is less likely to help when there are others around who can help therefore when you are in a group you are less likely to help someone in need , than if you were alone. Cognitive dissonance is where your attitudes and behavior are in conflict which asses discomfort, this discomfort then causes you to change the behavior or the action. As you can see society can sometimes change our attitudes as see with the bystander effect and cognitive dissonance. Psychologists noticed that when alone a person is more themselves and that when placed in a group the persons behavior changed; being part of the society can cause two phenomenon to occur, social loafing, and social facilitation. Social loafing is the tendency to put less effort into a task when in a group, the more people there are in a group the less effort each will put in. Social facilitation is where a person performs better in the presence of other people. I can apply what I have learned about social loafing to high school; I find that almost in every group I have been in equal effort has not been put in by all because of social loafing. Also, this is because this act can be seen and considered a cultural norm. Learning about the bystander effect has made me a bit more proactive because I dont want to one of those people who go unnoticed when in grave danger Therefore, I try constantly to help people as much as possible. Module B communication/social networking. Sombreros prison study has been one of the experiments that we have constantly discussed, in this experiment Zanzibar demonstrated that people will act violent or aggressive to fulfill the role of being a guard or prisoner. The people participating in this experiment were put into a realistic Jail and before long the guards were acting mean and the prisoners rebelled. On the sixth day of the experiment it was terminated because the participants were dramatically changing and it was considered unethical. Amalgams experiment is similar to Sombreros, in his experiment he had a teacher and a tuned (actor) , the teacher was asked to ask the students some questions and with each one they got wrong a shock was administered. With each wrong answer the voltage of the shock was increased, the student (actor) would act as if the shock hurt them, and the teachers were disconcerted but encouraged to proceed by the experimenter. In this experiment it was found that 65% of the teachers proceeded to the maximum voltage which shows that a person will more than likely do what an authority figure tells them to even though they might think it is wrong. It was determined that this was due to obedience. The last one is Coachs conformity study , here Cash gathered seven to nine males and claimed his study was on visual perception , all but one of the men were confederates. The men were to verbally answer, on the first trails the men would all unanimously answer correctly but on the third they all gave the wrong answer. Ash found that when the person was alone they would make mistakes less than 1% of the time but in a group they made errors 36. 8% of the time. This was because of conformity to the groups thoughts and not wanting to be wrong either. The assignment in lesson one in which we had to take two examples from our lives in which authority are prevalent factors helped me further understand these experiments. As time progresses there has been an increase in mass communication and social networking, and has shed light on bullying. Media such as Faceable or Twitter make bullying permanent and euthanized, which makes it easier to make rude comments because it is not being done face to face. Even though most of the theories described above were based off of the time before all the technology, most of the theories can still explain our behavior. I can apply Coachs experiment to my life because in high school we are often in-groups corrupting) and we tend to go along with a group rather than going against it. The information I have acquired about social networking has made me wary of what people post about other on social networking sites. Module AAA The concepts in AAA were the Psychosocial Stages of Development of birth to 6 years, 6 to 12, and 12 to 18. Since birth we start developing language , we first start with nonsensical babbling(O 4 months) then onto the one word stage (1 year) and two word stage(18 months) until we get to make multiple word sentences (2 years ). Also during this time Piglets stages of cognitive development comes into play, from birth o 6 years you experience the seniority stage in which a child primarily explorers the world through their senses and the operational stage where a child realized that there are other viewpoints besides their own. The next concept or ages is of 6-12 years , during this time a person is in the stage of concrete operational stage where a child is able to understand conversion, Kohlrabis second stage also comes into play keeping everyone happy. The last concept is that of the ages 12- 18, teen eager go through Piglets formal operations in which they develop the ability for abstract reasoning and hypothetical thought. During this time teenagers should be in Kohlrabis last level of moral development where a person is concerned with promoting the welfare of ones society or achieving Justice. For an assignment in lesson 3 we had to watch a video on the teenage brain in which I gained a lot of insight into my own brain which I thought was interesting. Considering I am 16 1 am in the 12-18 stage and I can say that I am in Kohlrabies third level of moral development. In this module I have learned of the different stages I have been through already, the different stages of Piglets and Kohlrabis development I was in, ND how they do or do not apply to me. Module B The stages/concepts explored in B were early adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood. People In early adulthood (18-40) according to Erosions psychological theory should be in conflict of intimacy vs Isolation. In the stage of intimacy vs Isolation a young adult start close relationships but first you must have gone through identity vs Role confusion so that you have a clear image of who you are. If this conflict is not resolved successfully then loneliness and isolation can occur. Middle adulthood is next the conflict in this stage is generatively vs Taxation. In generatively vs Stagnation a person feels the need to create or nurture things that will outlast them and once their children leave home they will experience the empty nest syndrome. The last one is late adulthood (65+), this is the maturity stage and its conflict is integrity vs Despair. During late adulthood a person will reflect on their life and evaluate their accomplishments or not. If the person feels successful then they can feel wise and if not their failure will result in regret and despair. An assignment that I enjoyed is the lesson one forum where we learned of Whines moral dilemma, it as interesting looking at what each of my classmates thought was right and wrong. I found it quite difficult to choose either right or wrong for it depended on the ethics or morals one were to consider. This learning can be applied to my life because my parents are in the middle adulthood and they are right now focusing on nurturing future generations. In this module I basically learned of the different times in adulthood and the conflicts that I am to face in them. Module AAA The concepts that module AAA mainly focused on was individual differences and making the most of these individual differences. Our personality can be impacted by logy and human nature, environment, and coloratura. A human characteristic that is built into our biology and in our nature is scapegoat or the displacement of aggression. Environment also plays a role in our personalities things like birth order can affect our personality. Our personalities are also affected by our culture for example in the US individualism is rewarded while in other places collectivism is. There are five major personality traits openness or close-mindedness, conscientiousness or impulsiveness, extroversion or introversion, agreeableness or coldness, and neurotics or emotional stability. To learn more about ourselves we were to take a few personality tests and in one I ended up being INFO. The Myers- Briggs Personality Test type indicator, further helps you assess your personality traits. There are two types of personality type A and B. A person with a type A Many people use such tests when choosing for the business world, in education when you are looking for a career, and in family which relationship counselors will use to understand the differences in the couple. It is important to know of your personality so that you can make the best of it such as when selecting a career or knowing your personality type. It can help you cope in certain situations. I have learned a lot about myself in this module which help me figure out which career best suits me. Since Vive found out that I was an extreme introvert, I have been trying (slightly) to change my behaviors and be more a bit more social because it will help me later on in life when I have to talk to people. Also, consider self-efficacy, and believe in my ability to complete a task or solve certain problems. Module B In our last module the concepts we explored were psychological disorders and their treatments. Mental illnesses are not easy to diagnose but there are many indicators such as delusions, unpredictability, irrationality, and distress. To diagnose people the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders is used; also illnesses are diagnosed by symptoms not causes. A commonly heard mental illness is schizophrenia which the psychotic deterioration of the personality, a treatment for this would probably be drug therapy. There are many types of therapies a person can receive, insight therapy is an attempt to change people on the inside or the way they think and feel. There is also behavior therapy which is behavior modification, and then there is cognitive behavioral therapy which combines cognitive and behavioral therapies. The last type of therapy is biomedical therapy whose goal is to change the structure or function of the brain. The assignment that helped me understand this module further was the assignment in lesson 2 where we were given a person with an illness and we had to pick a treatment. One of my parents friends has obsessive compulsive disorder (COD) and it is interesting to learn more about his problem, and that it can cause stress to the rest of the family. To sum it up, illnesses are classified by the symptoms and then the person receives a treatment for him or her problem.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Sheila Mason and Craig Shepherd Essays

Sheila Mason and Craig Shepherd Essays Sheila Mason and Craig Shepherd Paper Sheila Mason and Craig Shepherd Paper 1. What are the most important issues confronting Sheila Mason? Explain you priority of important issues. The most important issue confronting Sheila is that her previous company, ATS, is claiming she may be in violation of her Employee Noncompetition, Nonsolicitation, Nondisclosure and Development Agreement that she signed when she was hired by the company. The day after she quit she began officially working for her own company, which ATS indicates is in direct competition with its own business. Her agreement with her former employer indicates that she cannot be involved directly or indirectly with another company for a period of one year after leaving ATS that is in competition with ATS. Mason also has another issue with the agreement she signed which states that she cannot, for one year from her termination date of her ATS employment, solicit or do business with any customer of the Company or any potential customer of the Company. So, her first hurdle is going to be to prove that her new business is in no way in competition with ATS. If she succeeds at this, she will then have to ensure that does not speak with any customers that ATS currently holds. This will significantly limit her market for initial sales of the product. Another issue confronting Mason is that she frequently uses her personal laptop for business travel and as such, she syncs her work data with her personal data. ATS, her former company, is now claiming ownership of this data and requesting that she turn it back over to the company. Within this collection of data there is likely revealing information relating to her new venture. This could give ATS all the proof they need in order to charge her with the violation of the agreement she signed with the company. This issue should be her least priority at the moment because if she is careful, she can ensure that no information relating to her new venture is ever transferred to ATS. 2. What are the most important issues confronting Craig Shepherd? Explain your priority of important issues. The most important issue confronting Shepherd is that his current employer, Nova, is claiming all rights to his invention. This was a direct result of Shepherd disclosing information to his boss that revealed his invention. This is by far the most pressing issue for Shepherd because if he is unable to fully protect his invention from his employer, none of the remaining issues even matter. Nova does not develop any type of translation engine themselves, however they are in the business of rewriting applications to run on new systems. This demonstrates to Nova that Shepherd could have used knowledge gained while working at Nova to develop the translation engine. This also brings up the issue of the translation engine he developed being in direct competition with Novas current business. Another issue confronting Shepherd is that the software he created, even though it was development during his own personal time using his own personal machine, it was created while he was currently an employee at Nova. Disclosing this information to his employer gives them enough justification to claim ownership of that software. As agreed by Shepherd when joining Nova, they claim all ownership of any ideas or software that Shepherd generates while he is an employee of the company. 3. What is your evaluation of the non-disclosure agreement (NDA)? Would you sign this as a venture capitalist? Why or why not? The non-disclosure agreement presented by Mason and Shepherd seeks to safe guard their idea, such that the venture capital firm is legally unable to implement Mason and Shepherds idea themselves or disclose the idea to any other parties. The problem with the NDA is that it cannot prevent the idea from being implement by another party. However, if the idea is implemented it by another party after receiving the information, it gives Mason and Shepherd legal precedence to claim that they acted in violation of the NDA itself which will strongly support their case if they must take the other parties to court. As a VC, I would not consider signing the NDA. This would only create unnecessary costs and complexity for the venture capital firm along with the associated potential legal issues that could arise. The VC would need to hire a team of lawyers solely to ensure they are not violating the terms of the NDA. This would also require them to review their entire investment portfolio to ensure that none of the products they current have a stake in are in no way similar to the product that Mason and Shepherd are presenting to the firm. Simply put, this would create undue problems for the VC that would otherwise be nonexistent. Also, from another perspective, presenting the NDA to a VC would cast Mason and Shepherd in a negative light as it would indicate they dont necessarily understand the VC process. This would deter the VCs from investing in the product even without having to sign the nondisclosure agreement due to the friction it created. 4. What actions do you recommend that Mason and Shepherd take to guard against the appropriation of their ideas in the absence of an NDA? Mason and Shepherd should seek to secure a patent that would protect the intellectual property that they have developed so far. Shepherd has already development a working proof of concept, which can be used for filing the patent. While their idea is not patentable itself, the technology they have already created may be patentable. The technology they have already created provides a fairly simple solution to the complex problem of creating the translation engine. If this technology is patented, they will have a significant head start on any competitors that may try to create their own translation engine. The competitors would be deterred from initiating this venture due to the increased complexity of development of the translation engine since they would not be able to used the easier approach that Mason and Shepherd lay claim to. If Mason and Shepherd are unable to secure patent protection for their IP, they should simply proceed as aggressively as possible. Instead of defending themselves upfront, they must take an offensive strategy and bring the product to market as quickly as possible. This aggressive strategy will help ensure they always remain ahead of any competition that may exist. Once they control the initial market, it will be much more difficult for any competitors to try to break into that market. 5. What actions do you recommend that employees take to terminate their employment relationship with current employers? Relating to Mason and Shepherd: Mason and Shepherd should immediately terminate their relationship with their employers. However, at this point in the process, I dont believe that they are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to sever this relationship appropriately while also putting them in the best possible position for protection. They should immediately acquire an attorney experienced in this area of practice to draft their resignation letters and handle all further communication between the parties. Relating to employees in general: Employees should never disclose any knowledge of ideas, intellectual property, or any information relating to something they have developed or will develop to any employee of their company. Any information provided only serves as ammunition to the employer with which they can use to build a case against you and attempt to claim any such property. Employees should also seek to terminate their relationship with their employer as soon as possible. If there is any such suspicion that the employer may attempt to seek claim to property or seek some violation of non-compete by the employee, an attorney should always be involved as mentioned above. This presents complex situations which the employees are unprepared to handle on their own without legal advice.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Business ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business ethics - Essay Example However, the absence of these health professional in over-the-counter prescription and the advertisement of this drugs as created a new challenge that ought to be confronted. There are even cases where these advertisements have been found to pressure health professionals to prescribe particular drugs that might as well be less effective and dangerous. This idea intrudes in the relationship between patients and medical practitioners, thereby, interfering or even impeding the therapeutic process. Additionally, prescription advertising is not educational, instead it is inherently misleading if the omission of crucial information on drugs in its features is anything to go by. This therefore demonstrates just how dangerous consumer marketing of prescription drugs is and why it should be prohibited (Jeffrey, 2004, p. 21). II. What do you think is the most effective means to market a drug that is chemically and theoretically identical to its competitors? What do you think is the most ethica l way to market such drugs? Pharmaceutical products are those chemicals that improve the health of human beings, although in certain instances they can cause serious side effects to certain people who might be allergenic to these chemicals. Normally, producer of medical drugs compete both in terms of advertisement as well as prices, up to a point where advertisement and prices reach an equilibrium point (Harold, 2004, p.44), a point at which people are free to make choices based on their capability. This leaves the choice of drug administration in the hands of the physician. At times it is even the patient who is left with the decision of expressing his/her preference for one drug over the other and particularly if he/she has been exposed to some form of advertising. I strongly believe that a sale promotion involving packaging is not a bad idea to market a homogenous drug. Presentability of a drug can make all the difference in a contest pitting two theoretically and chemically iden tical with another already in the market. In fact, because the drugs are similar chemically and theoretically, one can focus on the cleanliness and hygiene of the drug through packaging the drug in a fashion that demonstrates hygiene and cleanliness to weather the competition. III. In what ways might a consumer suffering from a medical condition be less than fully free in making choices about medications? What psychological conditions undermine consumer autonomy? In most instances, patient fear of health deterioration leads to pharmaceutical inertia i.e. resistance to making any changes in their medicine regimens, which may also emerge due to unwillingness to use medication since they is no guarantee of improvement as one has no idea that it is going to improve the condition. This is one of the factors that put patients at the mercies medical practitioners or medical adverts in cases where the medical practitioners might not be available for whatever reason. Lack of proper medical a wareness might impair a patient’s decision concerning the medication to take. A patient might as well be in a state that makes him/her unable to make rational decision concerning the medication to take. Mostly, these are extreme case of sickness like stroke-induced coma or patient in vegetative state and therefore unable to even communicate. Psychologically affected

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Aspects of United States society in the late 20th century and aspects Essay

Aspects of United States society in the late 20th century and aspects of life in the contemporary U.S - Essay Example Fast food is just like cigarettes because they both are horrible for ones self and still millions upon millions of people fall into the manufacturers trap of good advertising. America, as opposed to most of Europe, is always rushed. The average working week is forty hours, with maybe forty-five minutes as a lunch break. This is not enough time for a lavish lunch, leaving fast food as the menu of the day. (Schlosser, 2004) Americans, who live to work, will often bring home fast food as an alternative to the time consuming process of preparing dinner. Fast food is targeted to cater to the speed of an on-the-go American. The popular quote "In, out, and on your way" describes exactly how convenient fast food truly is. Now one doesnt need to go the lengths of in and out, just wait in the drive thru and go. If a person was hungry at 1:00 AM in 1940, he was out of luck. In todays world, one has their choice from a variety of fast food restaurants on every corner; they even have drive through windows so a person doesnt have to get out in their pajamas. For example, Wendys, doesnt close shop until 2:00 AM. In spirit with competitive American capitalism, McDonalds doesnt close now until 2:30. (Maze, 2004) Most cities and towns have rows of fast food restaurants so a person can jump from roof to roof, just in case they felt like Mexican food from Taco Bell rather than a McDonalds hamburger. In recent decades, the family structure of many Americans has changed. In most families, both parents need to work to support their families and to own a house, limiting the amount of time to spend with their children - let alone cooking meals. Fast food restaurants solve this equation easily by giving parents the option of killing two birds with one stone. They can take their kid(s) to a place like McDonalds that allows a parent to feed their children with

Monday, November 18, 2019

Synthisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Synthisis - Essay Example Facebook makes a person or a student happy and helps them go through life challenges. It also helps freshmen to adapt faster to their new stage in life, as explained in â€Å"Facebook and first year college students†. In spite of the criticisms against social websites, these sites help many people such as students in dealing with stressful situations and life challenges through constant communication between peers who pass advisory information. In Konnikova’s article, she talks about how everyone who joins Facebook sought not to be sad or depressed, but becomes inflected after a while. She quotes, â€Å"the more people used Facebook in the time between the two texts, the less happy they felt—and the more their overall satisfaction declined from the beginning of the study until its end. The data, he argues, shows that Facebook was making them unhappy.†(Ethan Kross). I do not agree with her, the problem is that it becomes an obsession or an addiction to check Facebook more and more to see what people have written on their walls and keep track on a crush or a loved one. I do not believe this form of unhappiness can be attributed to the social media website but from the individual self who gets too close to a website that has no feelings or affection. In the article about college students, Facebook helps first year college students overcome the major change in their lives. â€Å"An estimated 17 million Americans attend college each year, of whom, approximately 3.5 million are first-year students† (U.S. Census Bureau, 2008). It also helps them to overcome challenges and depression when facing the changes and moving away from home. This is mainly achieved through reading memorable messages, or seeing a picture that will keep them going forward and help them in focusing in their educational goals. Personally, I can relate to this point in that social media helped me to get in touch with peers and professors. Furthermore, it

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Shiseidos Brief History Essay Example for Free

Shiseidos Brief History Essay In 1902, Arinobu was inspired to introduce the American culture to the Japanese public by bringing the Japan’s first soda fountain. The fortune was on his side as it later grew into the Shiseido Parlour restaurant business which makes him introduce another rare production in Japan at the time, ice cream. The foundation of Shiseido laid over a century ago, its pioneering spirit that combines eastern aesthetics with western science and business technology, continues to live on today to serves as the underlying philosophy of Shiseido’s corporate activities. Shiseido established it Five Management Principles in 1921. Quality First: Shiseidos constant quest for the highest possible quality standards has supported its activities for close to a century. Coexistence and Co-prosperity: Shiseido seeks to share its benefits with all companies and individuals associated with Shiseido. Respect for Consumers: Shiseido pursuits must be thoroughly consumer-oriented. Corporate Stability: Shiseido must be built on a firm infrastructure with long-range goals. Sincerity: Shiseido business transactions must be conducted loyally, honestly, and respectfully. In 1923, Shiseido began forming its chain store network. To meet its five management principles, the storeowners were provided special training to assure that consumers across the nation could enjoy products and service of consistent high standards. With their high spirit and commitment, the network has grown to approximately 25,000 outlets today. On June 14th of 1927, Shiseido, formerly a limited partnership, became a joint stock company under Arinobu Fukuhara’s third son, Shinzo’s leadership. Shiseidos first president, Shinzo Fukuhara graduated from Columbia Universitys Faculty of Medicine. During his stay in the United States, from 1908, he worked at a suburban New York drugstore and later a cosmetics factory of an American pharmaceutical manufacturer. Under his leadership, the groundwork for a distinctive Shiseido approach to business and creation was formed. To serve Shiseido’s loyal customers better, they have formed the Camellia Club in 1937. Corresponding with formation of the club, Shiseido issued a fashion periodical, HANATSUBAKI (Camellia). The magazine takes its roots from Japan’s first cultural magazines by a cosmetics company, which were issued by Shiseido from 1924 for distribution to customers through the nationwide network of chain stores. This magazine offered articles on domestic and overseas fashion, travel, and the arts. Essays and commentaries by leading literary figures of the time were also featured in this magazine, which is still issued on a monthly basis by Shiseido today. The Japanese Camellia Club has grown to boast a membership of approximately 9 million members presently. In the year of Malaysia’s independence, 1957, Shiseido has taken their first step overseas in Taiwan with exports to Singapore and Hong Kong following closely after. In 1962, Shiseido expanded to Hawaii and in 1965; it established Shiseido Cosmetics America to commence sales in the mainland. European sales began with Italy in 1968 and officially in Oceania with New Zealand in 1971. Stepping into 1980’s, Shiseido has realized the importance of brand image and Serge Lutens from France was being appointed as its international image creator in order to support its expanding global distribution network. Shiseido’s history of advertising and image creation has always been one of evolution and renewal. When Shiseido sought new global imagery for its international marketing it turned in an entirely advanced direction, that of a collaboration with Serge Lutens who established a reputation as a hair and makeup artist for Vogue. As we can see from the brief background of Shiseido in the early years, they have diversified their business from pharmacy to restaurant and gradually into cosmetics and toiletries. Today, Shiseido sales are mainly generated from its main business category of cosmetics, which makes up about 78. 4% of total sales with toiletries at 10. 7% and other categories such as salon, products, foods and pharmaceuticals at 10. 9%. 26% of total consolidated sales were generated by Shiseido’s international activities in fiscal year 2004. Individual shareholders constitute more than 97% of the total number of shareholders, an exceedingly high percentage for a major Japanese company. Marketing its products in 65 countries and regions globally including Europe and Americas as well as Asia/Oceania, Shiseido aims to become â€Å"a global player representing Asia with its origins in Japan. † To become a â€Å"global player†, Shiseido has taken the international business challenges integrating with the operations performance objectives into their global operations in the early years. Reviewing their 5 management principles written in 1921, it was pretty similar with the operation performance objectives in trend today.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Boston Massacre Essay -- Boston Massacre Essays

On March 5, 1770 a fight broke out in the streets of Boston, Massachusetts between a patriot mob and British soldiers. Citizens attacked a squad of soldiers by throwing snowballs, stones and sticks. British Army soldiers in turn killed five civilians and injured six others. The presence of British troops had been stationed in Boston, the capital of Province of Massachusetts Bay since 17681. The British existence was increasingly unwelcome. The British troops were sent to Boston in order to protect and support the crown-appointed colonial officials attempting to enforce unpopular Parliamentary legislation. Boston, the capital of the Province of Massachusetts Bay and important shipping town, was a major center of resistance to unpopular acts of taxation by the British Parliament in the 1760s2. In 1768, the Townshend Acts were placed upon the colonists, by which a variety of common items that were manufactured in Britain and exported to the colonies were subjected to import tariffs3. The Massachusetts House of Representatives began a campaign against the Townshend Acts by sending a petition to King George III asking for the repeal of the act. The House also sent what became known as the Massachusetts Circular Letter to other colonial assemblies, asking them to join the resistance movement, and called for a boycott of merchants importing the affected goods. As a response, Lord Hillsborough, who was the leader of the office of Colonial Secretary, was forced to take action. In April 1768, Hillsborough sent a letter to the colonial governors in America instructing them to dissolve the coloni al assemblies responsible for the repeal4. When the house of colonial governors refused to comply and rescind the letter. Hillsborough then stated... ...An Account.† Accessed 05, 2001. 14. Allison, Robert. The Boston Massacre. Beverly, MA: Applewood Books, 2006. â€Å"The Boston Massacre Trials: An Account.† Accessed 05, 2001. 15. Allison, Robert. The Boston Massacre. Beverly, MA: Applewood Books, 2006. â€Å"The Boston Massacre Trials: An Account.† Accessed 05, 2001. 16. Allison, Robert. The Boston Massacre. Beverly, MA: Applewood Books, 2006. â€Å"The Boston Massacre Trials: An Account.† Accessed 05, 2001. 17. Kidder, Frederic. History of the Boston Massacre. Munsell, 1870. 18. Zinn, Howard. A People’s History of the United States. New York: HarperCollins, 1999. The Boston Massacre Essay -- Boston Massacre Essays On March 5, 1770 a fight broke out in the streets of Boston, Massachusetts between a patriot mob and British soldiers. Citizens attacked a squad of soldiers by throwing snowballs, stones and sticks. British Army soldiers in turn killed five civilians and injured six others. The presence of British troops had been stationed in Boston, the capital of Province of Massachusetts Bay since 17681. The British existence was increasingly unwelcome. The British troops were sent to Boston in order to protect and support the crown-appointed colonial officials attempting to enforce unpopular Parliamentary legislation. Boston, the capital of the Province of Massachusetts Bay and important shipping town, was a major center of resistance to unpopular acts of taxation by the British Parliament in the 1760s2. In 1768, the Townshend Acts were placed upon the colonists, by which a variety of common items that were manufactured in Britain and exported to the colonies were subjected to import tariffs3. The Massachusetts House of Representatives began a campaign against the Townshend Acts by sending a petition to King George III asking for the repeal of the act. The House also sent what became known as the Massachusetts Circular Letter to other colonial assemblies, asking them to join the resistance movement, and called for a boycott of merchants importing the affected goods. As a response, Lord Hillsborough, who was the leader of the office of Colonial Secretary, was forced to take action. In April 1768, Hillsborough sent a letter to the colonial governors in America instructing them to dissolve the coloni al assemblies responsible for the repeal4. When the house of colonial governors refused to comply and rescind the letter. Hillsborough then stated... ...An Account.† Accessed 05, 2001. 14. Allison, Robert. The Boston Massacre. Beverly, MA: Applewood Books, 2006. â€Å"The Boston Massacre Trials: An Account.† Accessed 05, 2001. 15. Allison, Robert. The Boston Massacre. Beverly, MA: Applewood Books, 2006. â€Å"The Boston Massacre Trials: An Account.† Accessed 05, 2001. 16. Allison, Robert. The Boston Massacre. Beverly, MA: Applewood Books, 2006. â€Å"The Boston Massacre Trials: An Account.† Accessed 05, 2001. 17. Kidder, Frederic. History of the Boston Massacre. Munsell, 1870. 18. Zinn, Howard. A People’s History of the United States. New York: HarperCollins, 1999.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Ethic Notions

DR. LINZIE SPRING 2013 MARLON RIGGS: ETHNIC NOTIONS 1. Which theoretical paradigm is presented in the film to study race relations? This video presents a symbolic integrationist perspective. It evaluates how people in the United States have used symbols to belittle a race of people. Society used certain symbols and caricatures to communicate ideas to the general public. 2. What is socialization? Socialization is the lifelong process by which people learn the ways of the society in which they live.The process by which humans acquire a sense of self or a social identity, develop their human capacities, learn culture, and learn about the expected behaviors. 3. What is culture? (What are the two main forms of culture? ) Sociologically, culture is the way of life of a people. The two main forms of culture are material culture ( all the physical objects that people have invented or borrowed from other cultures) and nonmaterial culture ( the intangible human creations that include beliefs, values, norms, and symbols). . What is social structure? Social structure is a system that coordinates human activities in broadly predictable ways, shaping relationships and opportunities to connect to others, gives people an identity, puts up barriers to accessing resources and people, and determines the relative ease or difficulty with which those barriers can be broken. 5. What is identity and how do culture and social structure construct identity and socialize new members in terms of these images?The way we live and the people we socialize on a daily basis made a difference on how we identify ourselves. Cultures gives us ideas of what is acceptable and what material objects we have to play, work, and develop. Meanwhile, social structure gives us an advantage, or disadvantage that helps us develop skills and connections that will identify us. 6. What are the names and images used in each socio-economic period? – Emancipation (pre/post) -Reconstruction (pre/post) -Civil Ri ghts (pre/post) NOTES:

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Freedom Trail in Boston

Boston is the largest city of the Common wealth of Massachusetts and belongs to one of the oldest cities of United State of America.   It was founded by Puritan colonialist from England in 1630.Boston was a short way across Boston Harbor at Charlestown from immediate area which was settled by Euro-Americans that made it grow. Its deep habor and advantageous geographic position helped it to be the busiest port of Massachusetts Bay Colony.Boston played a fundamental role in the American Revolution. Several events and battles such as Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, The Battle of the Lexington and Concord, the Battle of Bunker Hill and the Siege of Boston all occurred near or in the city. Boston is sometimes referred to be Cradle of Liberty. It has historic sites remains which have been of tourist attraction. It has preserved colonial and revolutionary past from the harboring of the U.S.S. Constitution to many famous sites along the freedom Trail (Seasholes, 2003).It is this Fre edom Trail caught my attention during our visit to Boston. Freedom Trail is a reddish path that runs through downtown of Boston and Massachusetts leading to sixteen important historic sites. It is a four kilometer walk that starts from the Boston Common to the Bunker Hill Moment in Charlestown. Originally, the Freedom Trail was conceived by local journalist William Schofield who promoted the idea of linking local landmarks with a pedestrian since 1951.For any visitors like us to Boston, they must include a walk into history along the Freedom Trail. However, one can begin the walk in the middle or the end and wend way through the streets of Boston. This Trail took us sixteen historical sites in about three hours and we covered about a half century of the America’s most significant past.To visit these historical sites, one may opt to have a self guide or assistance of tour guides who are available through the Boston Common Visitors Centers at 148 Tremont Street or the Bostix Bo oth located at Faneuil Hall. Also one can decide to take a ride by paying one of the trolley tours, which are unofficial guided tours and have disembark at selected stops but we decided to take a tour guide. The best point to start for Freedom Trail excursion is the Boston Common which is the America’s oldest public park where we definitely started.This park rests on forty four acres of open land. Initially it was used as common pasture for grazing cattle that was owned by the townspeople of Boston. Later it became a ‘trayning’ field for militia which was used as British Army camp. Also it was use to hand pirates, witches or publicly pillory criminals besides serving for public oratory and discourse. Currently, the place is used for concert and provides calm respite from the bustle of city life ( n.d).From Boston Common the next historical site we visited was the State House. It was built on 1798 and is wid ely considered to be one of the most magnificent and well suited buildings in the county. It was constructed shortly after the revolution by Charles Bullfinch as a new center of the state governance.Presently, the building serves as the seat of the government of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. From state house our next stop was at Park Street Church. It was founded in 1809. Its 217 ft steeple was the first landmark travelers saw when approaching to the Boston. It has gained a lot of significance due for its involvement in political, social and humanitarian issues. For instance, in 1829 Wiliam Lloyd Garrison delivered a speech from the church pulpit condemning slavery and he was the first to do so in public.Just after this the next Freedom Trail stop was Old Granary Burying Ground. Originally it was called South Burying Ground due to its location in the southern area of Boston settlement and latter was renamed Middle Bury Ground as Boston grew towards south. Its present name is de rived from a grain storage building which stood at same site with Park Street Church.Some of Boston’s famous revolutionaries were buried here including John Hancock, Samuel Adams, and Robert Treat Paine all three who signed Declaration of Independence and also Paul Revere and victims of Boston Massacre.   Following the red line of the Freedom Trail it led us to King’s Chapel and Burying Ground. The Royal Governor built King’s Chapel on the this town burying ground   in 1688 , as no one would sell him land to build a non-Puritan church for king’s men   who were British law enforcers (Ibid).

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Water Gate 1972

Watergate 1972 By: Anonymous Watergate was the name of the biggest political scandal in United States history. It included various illegal activities designed to help President Richard M. Nixon win reelection in 1972. Watergate resulted in Nixon's resignation from the presidency in 1974. Watergate differed from most previous political scandals because personal greed apparently did not play an important role. Instead, Watergate represented an attack on one of the chief features of a democracyfree and open elections. The Watergate activities included burglary, wiretapping, violations of campaign financing laws, and sabotage and the attempted use of government agencies to harm political opponents. The scandal also involved a cover-up of many of those actions. About 40 people were charged with crimes in the scandal and with related crimes. Most of these people were convicted by juries or pleaded guilty. Watergate involved more high-level government officials than any previous political s candal. It led to the conviction on criminal charges in 1975 of former Attorney General John N. Mitchell and two of Nixon's top aides, John D. Ehrlichman and H. R. Haldeman. Also in 1975, former Secretary of Commerce Maurice H. Stans, a leader of Nixon's reelection campaign, pleaded guilty to Watergate criminal charges and was fined $5,000. Watergate also had resulted in the resignation of Attorney General Richard G. Kleindienst in 1973. The break-in and cover-up. The scandal took its name from the Watergate complex of apartment and office buildings in Washington, D.C. On June 17, 1972, police arrested five men for breaking into the Democratic Party's national headquarters there. One of the burglars was James W. McCord, Jr., the security coordinator of the Committee for the Re-election of the President (CRP). The five menalong with G. Gordon Liddy, another CRP aide; and E. Howard Hunt, Jr., a White House consultantwere indicted for a number of crimes, ... Free Essays on Water Gate 1972 Free Essays on Water Gate 1972 Watergate 1972 By: Anonymous Watergate was the name of the biggest political scandal in United States history. It included various illegal activities designed to help President Richard M. Nixon win reelection in 1972. Watergate resulted in Nixon's resignation from the presidency in 1974. Watergate differed from most previous political scandals because personal greed apparently did not play an important role. Instead, Watergate represented an attack on one of the chief features of a democracyfree and open elections. The Watergate activities included burglary, wiretapping, violations of campaign financing laws, and sabotage and the attempted use of government agencies to harm political opponents. The scandal also involved a cover-up of many of those actions. About 40 people were charged with crimes in the scandal and with related crimes. Most of these people were convicted by juries or pleaded guilty. Watergate involved more high-level government officials than any previous political s candal. It led to the conviction on criminal charges in 1975 of former Attorney General John N. Mitchell and two of Nixon's top aides, John D. Ehrlichman and H. R. Haldeman. Also in 1975, former Secretary of Commerce Maurice H. Stans, a leader of Nixon's reelection campaign, pleaded guilty to Watergate criminal charges and was fined $5,000. Watergate also had resulted in the resignation of Attorney General Richard G. Kleindienst in 1973. The break-in and cover-up. The scandal took its name from the Watergate complex of apartment and office buildings in Washington, D.C. On June 17, 1972, police arrested five men for breaking into the Democratic Party's national headquarters there. One of the burglars was James W. McCord, Jr., the security coordinator of the Committee for the Re-election of the President (CRP). The five menalong with G. Gordon Liddy, another CRP aide; and E. Howard Hunt, Jr., a White House consultantwere indicted for a number of crimes, ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

A Drug in A Box Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

A Drug in A Box - Research Paper Example The researcher states that the biomedical engineering field has for a long time experienced difficulties in relation to drug delivery and circulation in the body. However, origami, through simulation of DNA patterns, has proved to be a potential solution to the problem. While people previously practiced origami as a way of activating their brains, enhancing sequencing skills, eye-hand coordination, and mathematical reasoning, it is so appealing that today, it fosters biomedical reasoning and fervently contributes to the proficient and operational delivery of medical or health services. According to Erdmann and Barciszewski, medical and drug research have led to the creation or rather production of thousands of drugs that have revolutionized the treatment of infections including diabetes, cancer, and asthma. While drugs have the potential of changing the functioning of our bodies, the effectiveness of the drug, other than only being presented inapposite concentrations, depends on wher e it acts on, a more reason why paramedics strive to ensure that the drug reaches the targeted organs or spots. Moreover, the cell membrane is involved in the transfer of drugs as absorption, dissemination, and metabolism involves passage across the membrane. Other than the chemical characteristics and manner of administration of the drugs, the shape and molecular size of the drugs also affect its delivery in the body leading to delayed or hampered intended actions or reactions. The movement of drugs in the body is also significantly hampered by the intestinal epithelium, leading to drug wastage and consequently loss of lives as ailments persist without being refuted.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Information Systems for JP Morgan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Information Systems for JP Morgan - Case Study Example Their experiences with outsourcing have been bitter and they are on the lookup for better strategies for managing their IT infrastructure. In addition to that, backsourcing did not do much good. It stirred dissatisfaction among employees and senior management. Information strategy for any organisation is purely based on their requirements to manage business and envelope operations into a system which would in turn effectively manage their resources and yield not only profits in the long run but satisfaction to its employees and customers. (Laudon, 2002) The detailed company analysis of the issues it is facing has been discussed vividly. The employees have been mismanaged and to a great extent their morale and satisfaction has eroded in the process of outsourcing and backsourcing. A close study of the information systems strategy has been made and various methods have been evaluated for the betterment of the firm. The success of the IT strategy would be among the employees or users of the system as they are the people who live with the technology for getting the job done. Finally, evaluation of the new proposed information systems strategy is done so that the degree of its effectiveness is measured for further implementation. The satisfaction level of its employees is the first priority. It had already battered lot of its wealth in outsourcing and suffered massive losses through backsourcing. Business decisions relating to forming a new IT strategy would evaluate thoroughly the probabilities of the proposed solution and its derivability which has been covered in detail in this report. Primary Analysis of the case JP Morgan Chase's decision to outsource did not help. There IS strategy for outsourcing was meant to address the following problems: 1. Economy: IBM stood as a specialist in the IT infrastructure services and trusting them to manage their business operations would mean a good business decision. 2. Service Quality: This was the primary and the most important reason for which JP Morgan Chase wanted their business operations to be taken care by the service provider company. It wanted to position itself better in various markets. The above factors accounted for a greater share of interest for which JP Morgan Chase wanted to go for outsourcing. But finally it did not work. It faced losses not only on the monetary front but also towards the human resources. The various problems faced by the firm can be summarized as follows: All the dangers of placing the information systems functions outside the organization were possible noted for the firm. 1. Loss of control: This was pretty much evident that some employees were transferred on IBM's payroll and were not satisfied. It